🎬 Part-Time YouTube
On this page

In the summer of 2017, I decided to start a YouTube channel. Fast forward to now, and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Like everybody does I started from the ground up: with 0 subscribers and 0 views. It took a year and a half for me to reach 100,000 subscribers. And now, as of April 2021, my channel has 1.55 million subscribers and I make over £100,000 ($130k) each month, with 5-10 hours of effort each week - which in all honesty is bloody ridiculous and I didn't think would ever be possible.
If you'd like to do the same - start up a YouTube channel, have a creative outlet, build an audience online and create a business from doing so - then I reckon this is the page you're looking for.
🎉 Getting Started
Over on YouTube I regularly talk about different aspects of running my channel: tech, how much money I make from YouTube, Q&As. And on this website I've also written a few helpful articles, such as on finding the right niche, monetising your channel, and buying the best gear.
Below I've linked a couple of videos to get you started. If you're starting from the ground up, I'd probably recommend you jump into the 'How To Film YouTube Videos Using Your Phone' first.
As you can see, you don't have to wait for a fancy camera to start filming and find out if you like making YouTube videos. If you decide to take YouTube more seriously I recommend taking a look at your video quality, light, sound, and framing so your content stands out. Investing in my kit was one of the best decisions I made.
If you're not sure what gear to buy check out my article on 'YouTube Gear for Different Budgets'. Or, you can see the gear I've used throughout my YouTube journey on my Gear page.
🎬 Become a YouTuber
If you're thinking of starting a YouTube channel, my advice is always to start today.
The best way to get started is by learning what you can about YouTube. To fast forward the process I have two courses which will help:
- My SkillShare class on video editing - which is free if you take out a two month free trial over there, and
- The Part Time YouTuber Academy - my own course where I break down how to grow from 0 to 100,000 subscribers.
The Part Time YouTuber Academy is a four week live, interactive course where you'll have classes with me every week. It works on a cohort basis, but the link above (and this one here) goes into way more detail about how it works. Or, you can check out our interviews with PTYA alumnus and read about how their YouTube channels have changed since taking the course:

I'd also recommend you sign up for my FREE 7-Day YouTuber Crash Course below, where I teach you why and how to set up a successful (Part-Time) YouTube channel straight to your inbox:
👍 If This is Helpful
You might also want to check out these pages too:
Productivity - being able to increase my output over the last few years has really helped me balance everything. I started my YouTube channel when I was still at university and for two years, I worked full-time for the NHS (National Health Service in the UK) and still uploaded on my channel three times a week.
Book Summaries - I take notes on all of the books I read and some of these have inspired me with my YouTube journey, even though none of them are specifically about YouTube itself (and honestly, I cannot recommend the Kindle Paperweight enough).
Journal - I've started to share some random thoughts about whatever the hell I want on my public journal. I sometimes write about YouTube here, like my recent catch-up call with some YouTube friends.
All posts by date
- Part-Time YouTuber Academy: Cohort 7 Update
- 9 Lessons from 4 Years on YouTube
- The ABCs of Idea Generation
- My Top 10 Tips for Aspiring YouTubers
- How to Film YouTube Videos on Your Phone
- The PD Matrix: Finding Your YouTube Niche
- YouTube Gear for Different Budgets
- Triple Your YouTube Ad Revenue
- How to Monetise Your YouTube Channel in 2021
- Medical Adventure in Sudan