👨🏼‍⚕️ About Me

👨🏼‍⚕️ About Me

As of August 2020, I've been a doctor in the UK for two years, and I'm now taking a 1-year sabbatical from Medicine to explore my other interests.

What I'm Working On

  1. 👨🏼‍⚕️ I'm a doctor working in the UK. I studied Medicine for 6 years at Cambridge University, and graduated in 2018.
  2. 🎬 On my YouTube channel, I make videos about medicine, tech, productivity and lifestyle. Check out my most popular videos.
  3. 💌 I write a weekly email newsletter. Each Sunday, I share some thoughts about subjects I've been pondering, along with links to books, articles and podcasts that I've been enjoying. Check out the previous issues and maybe subscribe 😉
  4. 🎙 My brother and I host a weekly podcast called Not Overthinking. Every Sunday we talk about topics related to 'happiness, creativity and the human condition'.
  5. ✍️ On this website I write articles about productivity, entrepreneurship and generic life advice that I've found helpful over the years, as well as sharing my favourites apps and tech.

Other Stuff

  1. 🎮 I learned to code aged 12, and worked as a freelance web designer/developer through my teenage years. This funded my World of Warcraft addiction.
  2. 🤑 At university (2012-2018), I started a company called 6med that helps students applying to medical school. We run classroom courses and online question banks for the UCAT, BMAT and interviews. Our products help thousands of students each year, and we give out tens of thousands of pounds in bursaries for students from low-income backgrounds. These days, I advise on high-level strategy, and we've got a great team of students who run things day-to-day.
  3. 🎸 I enjoy playing the piano and guitar, and singing covers of mainstream pop + Disney songs. I sometimes post videos of this on Instagram, along with various selfies from work, to subtly show-off the fact that I'm a doctor. Please follow me if that sounds remotely appealing.

Get in Touch

  1. 🐦 Twitter - If you've got a short question or message (<280 characters), please tweet @AliAbdaal and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I also occasionally reply to Instagram DMs but it's much more cumbersome to do so (for now).
  2. 📨 Email - If it's a longer thing, or you don't want it to be a public tweet, please email me (hi@aliabdaal.com). I read 100% of emails but there's only enough time in the day to reply to around 30%. If you reply to my weekly Sunday newsletter with a specific question, the chances I'll reply are much higher, as I like to spend Sundays doing chill stuff like replying to emails.
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