💰 Money

💰 Money

Whether it's managing your personal finances, learning how to invest or the importance of passive income, this page should have you covered.

On this page

I don't pretend to be a financial advisor nor do I have a degree in economics but that doesn't mean I don't know a fair amount about personal finance. During the past decade I've not only started up a number of successful businesses but I've also extensively read books, articles as well as listened to hundreds of podcasts (at double speed obviously!) relating to managing personal finance and working towards becoming financially independent.

Through the articles and videos below, I hope that I can pass on some useful insights, advice and wisdom from what I've learnt through my own experiences over the past few years.  


I talk about money a lot on YouTube, but here's a taster to get you started.

The Book That Changed My Relationship With Money
To improve your thinking and learning skills, visit https://brilliant.org/ali and sign up for free. The first 200 people will get 20% off the annual Premium ...
This is How Much YouTube Pays Me
To learn to code, and improve your thinking and learning skills, visit https://brilliant.org/ali and sign up for free. The first 200 people will get 20% off ...

My Ultimate Guide to Money

I get a lot of questions over on YouTube and Instagram about money, so I've put all of my resources into one place. Hopefully it's helpful!

✏️ How-To Guides

Building a Million Dollar Business - 10 Tips for Entrepreneurs

Startups, Coding and Making Money Online - Interview with my brother Taimur

💵 Building Your Portfolio

How I Make Money on the Stock Market

💁 Cheeky Tips

Money, Stories and Old People

Pay Yourself First

Procrastination, Money Making and Rejection - Podcast Highlights

All posts by date

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